Roshida Dowe Career Break Coach

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Get ready for the best time of your life

My truth is simple

Leaving the US in 2018 was the best decision I ever made in my life.

And it wasn’t the days spent laying on beaches, or the week I spent drinking wine and seeing Beyonce and her purse carrier perform in South Africa with my friends.

It was taking myself out of a 24-7 toxic environment for long enough to recover, to repair the cracked, broken parts.

Removing myself from toxicity I didn’t even realize was impacting me on a cellular level did wonders for my well-being and my mental health.

Now, the rest of the world isn’t some candy-painted utopia, there were definitely places I visited that didn’t give me the warm fuzzies.

But that’s the joy of long-term travel. If you don’t like it somewhere, throw your shit in your suitcase and head somewhere else.

My adult gap year healed wounds I didn’t know I had and gave me an opportunity to start again, doing something that makes me happy, instead of unquestioningly continuing the path I had set out on in my early-twenties.

And what makes me happy is helping other women leave the US as well.

It’s what I wake up in the morning thinking about, and what I spend the rest of the day working on (except for nap time - nap time is sacred). And if you’re reading this, you’ve probably thought about what it would be like to leave home and travel for a year. To sell off all the stuff you don’t need, pack a few crucial items in a suitcase, and explore the world for months, or even more.

If a sabbatical or career break has been sitting on your spirit, I want to help you. Grab my free sabbatical planning guide and I’ll support you in making your best decision ever.